A Brief History of the Church of St Mary Magdalene
RCCE Bestkept Churchyard Competition 2014
The Rural Community Council of Essex have announced that they are holding a 'Best Kept Churchyard Competition of 2014'. Charles Tabor (Chairman of Sutton Parish Council) was kind enough to pass the Entry form on to the Team and was keen for us to enter. Whilst we are fully aware that the entry to the competition is extremeley premature, following discussions, we decided to enter the Churchyard as the snotty nosed orphan. We were accepted and it is now all hands on deck to make the Churchyard as beautiful as she can be. In a covering letter, the Team suggested that, whilst we were fully aware that we were by far from the best kept Churchyard, it would be a great boost if we were recognised as the most improved. Here's hoping. Anyone who feels driven enough to come to the Churchyard and help us, please contact us.